
New Horizons Calling

New Horizons Calling

This is the dawn of a new and great era, not just for big businesses but also for smaller and new entrants in the field of international commerce. Home-made crafts and small-scale cottage industries never had it so good, as online visibility and...

Staying Ahead Of The Covid Curve

Staying Ahead Of The Covid Curve

COVID 19 was an unexpected curve ball to the shipping and logistics industry but despite a break in normal shipping and logistics activities, Portgod remained steady, supplying medical and essential food supplies to different parts of the world...

Covid-19 Impact

Covid-19 Impact

The spread of COVID 19 ushered in one of the worst levels of a global lockdown that brought the world to a grinding halt. While many companies learned to adapt and make use of work-from-home technologies, the shipping industry found itself...