Ocean freight

Ocean freight

International trade is synonymous with ocean freight. The most common and preferred mode of transport for larger and bulkier cargo over national and international borders are via ocean freight. Portgod has tie ups with several of the large merchant fleets, traversing more than 600 shipping routes. With port-to-port connectivity of our partners, you can rest assure your freight has a personal chaperon at every port of call.

No order is too small and no shipment too big. Whether you have a full container worth of cargo, less than a container’s worth or require multiple containers, we give you the best bargains that are customized to your needs along with a comprehensive in-depth package that includes project forwarding, break bulk and other freight forwarding hot deals.

While we have a daily schedule of the largest fleet liners, we also hire tramp services for special deliveries as per a customer’s requirement. Tramp services are special charter boats hired to make special one-off drops for customers who require the special treatment or need to send a consignment outside of the regular sailing schedule.

Safe and secure, rest assure.