COVID 19 was an unexpected curve ball to the shipping and logistics industry but despite a break in normal shipping and logistics activities, Portgod remained steady, supplying medical and essential food supplies to different parts of the world.
Strong support from our network of partners located all over the globe helped the Health and Pharma industry distribute much needed medicines worldwide.
With the entry of vaccines from top Pharma companies, we have also successfully negotiated special air cargo services with reefers for safe transportation and effective distribution of these critical products.

During this bleak period in history, Portgod stands in awe of all the health workers who continued to work day and night and helped the world tide over one of the worst times of our modern history. We continue to work closely with the Health and Phrarma industry in supplying much needed vaccines and life saving drugs.
In alignment with the health and safety protocols, Portgod has also installed several safeguards when handling freight and cargo that enforce sanitary and hygiene standards to prevent the spread of COVID 19 and deter further such health crisis.